A Day As A Polar Bear Cub

It was nearly 9:00, I woke up in my den looking for my mother, I looked beside me and saw that my brother was still sleeping. I quickly tapped his shoulder gently to wake him up, so we could go and find our mum 

“Wake up, Wake up!” I said. He opened one eye and stared at me, looking very annoyed. A few seconds later our mother came into the den holding a few pieces of seal meat in her mouth. I rushed over to eat the food that she had catched and my brother walked slowly behind me. We chomped on the seal meat, “Mother,” I said, “when can I catch my own food?” “ Soon” she said “how about we go out today and I can teach you some things” my brother quickly said “me too!” before I could say yes to our mother.

A few minutes after, we left the den and walked over huge chunks of sea ice. “ I smell a seal,” my mother said. She jumped up and down trying to smash the sea ice with her big paws. Me and my brother look at each other and start to copy our mother. BASH the ice breaks, but the seal escapes. I look at my mother really confused. “ Sometimes that happens,” She said to me, “ but don’t worry you’ll catch a seal one day. We slowly walked back to our den because it was getting dark. We were nearly home when my mother suddenly stopped and called me and my brother over. “Look over there,” she said slowly. I turned around and saw a seal! Lying down and looking the other way! I ran over there with my brother and jumped on it scratching and stomping on it. “Success!” I said excitedly. We all chomped on the meat for dinner, and after we started walking back to our den. Thats my day!



This week we have been learning about arrays, we made a real life example of what arrays means! We all worked on it in buddies and I did it with Kezzhia! Hope you like my slide!

My Hero!


For writing we had to write about our hero, it could be anyone! I chose Erika fairweather, beacause she is a amazing newzeland swimmer and I am really excited for her to go to the Olympics this year! I hope you like my post!

Narwhal Story!


In the afternoon, I was sitting peacefully on my boat going to my destination when I looked up and saw a glimpse of a massive white horn in the water. I was in fear, shaking in my seat. “What is it?” I said to myself. Before I knew it, it vanished in the water. I was thinking about this rare sighting that I had just seen. I thought it was some kind of magical monster, or a unicorn in the sea? I wasn’t quite sure what I saw, maybe it was just my imagination, but no because I saw it again! In the distance, it was swimming towards an eye-catching island where there were gorgeous flowers and trees. I was stunned by the beautiful colours on the creature, a blueish-purple colour, shining under the hot sun.

I stare in amazement at the brillant creature, swimming along the ocean, waiting to see what it will do next. Suddenly I saw it swimming towards the boat again! “ AHHHH” I screamed in excitement, waiting for the creature to come to the boat. As it came close, I quickly examined the creature and I realized it was a beautiful narwhal that had the most amazing colours I had ever seen.

Maths Statistics!

Today we made an DLO about statistics .We chose a topic and I went with favourite subject, I  drew an tally chart in my book and asked many people. Then we chose an graph and drew in our books and I chose to draw a pictograph. After I drew it my teacher took and shared it with me. I inserted into a slide and made it look pretty. Then we made one on our chromebooks and we chose two types of graphs and made it look pretty again!